Our Services
General Physician
X-ray Service
Lab Service
Surgery Service
Dental Service
Dressing & Injections
Eye (Opthalmology)
Health Camps
Our facilities
  Dental Facilities
  Physiotherapy Facilities
Our Address
  Gurdwara Sujan Singh Park
Near Khan Market
Delhi- 110003,
Tel & Fax: +91-11-24628621, Mobile no. : +91-9811348837
General Physician
General Physician looks after day to day problems like Respiratory ailment,
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Tummy aches, Viral infections, early detection of any problemS and referring to respective specialty, advising people for prevention of disease, weight reduction, healthy life style, giving preventive immunizations.

Stress in on prevention of diseases and health problems together with treatment for minor ailments. Our experience is that this goes a long way in keeping them healthy and also saves their money.

Physician internist visits the clinic twice a week, he goes into details of problems, may these be cardiology, hypertension, diabetes, psychiatry, neurology or epilepsy.
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